Tuesday 1 November 2011

The Importance of Road Traffic Signs

Road Traffic Signs are not only important to new car drivers. It is also important at every citizen in the US know the important of traffic signs. Over the years of statistics,
more and more people both on the road and off-road find these signs very important. This is why the U.S. Department of Transportation–Federal Highway Administration is strictly implementing these rules and regulations to avoid accidents on the road.
The main reason why these signs are available on the road is because of SAFETY. Traffic signs make sure that all drivers are aware of the rules and the dangers on the road. Without these signs, accidents may occur more often. These signs also warn the drivers of the potential dangers that can be encountered on the roads.

Monday 31 October 2011


All automobiles, whether it is heavy or light need to follow certain traffic rules in order to avoid mishaps. Some of these rules can be, found below:

1. In order to play it safe, vehicles should be driven on the extreme left of the road, even while discussing turns.
2. No overtaking should be, done within city limits.
3. Right of way belongs to the vehicle climbing a hill. The vehicle going down a hill should reduce its speed or stop and give way to the vehicle coming up the uphill.
4. Most often it is noticed that passenger buses do not stop at selected bus stops but anywhere they wish to, causing a lot of confusion on the roads. The drivers must draw their vehicles to the extreme left at the bus stops so that normal traffic is not hindered. They should not stop at any place other than chosen bus stops.
5. Overloading is another aspect to be avoided at all costs. Especially during peak hours of traffic , excess passengers are taken overboard , who hang out from vehicles which is very risky to their lives as they can fall directly under the rear tyres.
6. On numerous occasions buses are caught on routes for which they have no route permit. They are liable for huge penalties as well as cancellation/ suspension of their permits.
7. Often drivers are found conversing with individuals sitting on bonnets leading to chances of calamity. This should be avoided at all costs.
8. Conductors should not misbehave with the passengers over ticketing issues,.
9. When you play songs at high volume, gives rise to sound pollution and discomfort to passengers, especially the aged and those who are physically unwell. This should be avoided as it also causes distraction for the driver and can lead to mishaps.
10. Auto drivers should behave politely with the passengers and charge them as per fares as per the meter.
11. Auto drivers usually take U-turns anywhere on roads, without any warning. They also obstruct the traffic by stopping midway. They must be careful not to do this as it may cause accidents and traffic scowls.
12. All the vehicle should stop before the stop line upon getting to a signal. This shows good discipline and reverence for pedestrians.
13. All bus and auto drivers should wear proper uniforms and carry their original driving licenses along with important vehicle-related documents such as the vehicle registration certificate, insurance papers, route permit and road tax token.
14. The driver of a motor vehicle should reduce the vehicle speed when approaching a road intersection, a road junction, pedestrian crossing or a road corner. He should not enter, until he is well aware that the he may do so without endangering the safety of persons thereon and should give way to all traffic approaching on the right hand side of the road.
15. The driver of a tractor should not carry or allow carrying any person on the tractor. Vehicles that carry goods, are shall not carry passengers on Hire or Reward.